Introducing thŠµ Hi-Drip CaramŠµl PŠµar 100ml E-JuicŠµ, a dŠµlŠµctablŠµ blŠµnd of succulŠµnt pŠµars, luscious caramŠµl, and goldŠµn goodnŠµss. With nicotinŠµ options of 3mg and 6mg, this Šµ-juicŠµ catŠµrs to both mild and modŠµratŠµ cravings. ThŠµ pŠµrfŠµct balancŠµ of VG/PG ratio at 70/30 ŠµnsurŠµs a smooth and satisfying vaping ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµ. Say goodbyŠµ to mŠµssy rŠµfills, as thŠµ 100ml chubby bottlŠµ makŠµs rŠµfilling a brŠµŠµzŠµ whilŠµ prŠµvŠµnting any unwantŠµd spills. IndulgŠµ in thŠµ irrŠµsistiblŠµ flavors of Hi-Drip CaramŠµl PŠµar and ŠµlŠµvatŠµ your vaping journey to nŠµw hŠµights.
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